The mission of RMCHCS is to serve God by making a profound and lasting difference in the health and quality of life for all people in the community.


Updated RMCHCS Visitor Guidelines

Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services (RMCHCS) has implemented stricter visitor policies in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Effective Saturday, March 21, visitors will not be permitted to see patients in the hospital.

Exceptions to the no-visitor policy include one screened support person or family member who is

  • Accompanying a pregnant woman to the Birthing Center and staying with her throughout labor, delivery, and the postpartum stay. No additional visitors will be allowed in the Birthing Center or the Postpartum Unit.
  • Remaining with a pediatric patient until the child is discharged from the hospital.
  • Assisting a patient during admissions. Once the support person leaves, no other visitors will be allowed into the facility.
  • Visiting terminally ill patients, with one visitor allowed at a time. These cases will be assessed individually.

RMCHCS providers and staff are working tirelessly to safeguard patient health and help prevent the spread of the virus. We understand this is a challenging and stressful time. We ask for your patience and understanding and encourage everyone to treat one another with kindness and compassion during this crisis.

Important: If you have experienced fever, cough, or difficulty breathing in the past 14 days, call the CORONAVIRUS HOTLINE at 505-236-1074 before coming to the hospital.